This morning I released a new version of my eBook “Clinical Variant Analysis – Second Edition.”
The clinical interpretation of variants in Next-Gen Sequencing is a quickly evolving field. While the body of knowledge is growing exponentially, experts have to derive sound, clinical decisions leveraging an ever-expanding set of specialty databases, clinical publications, and algorithms that are designed to predict the impact of specific variants in the resulting protein.
The specific steps and considerations that need to be considered are defined by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics. The guidelines for the interpretation of sequenced variants were published in 2015 with an addendum for loss of function variants added in 2018. A second set of guidelines for interpreting Copy Number Variants (CNVs) was published in 2020. In this eBook, I have summarized the key concepts of these guidelines. I cover what defines a pathogenic and benign variant respectively, and everything in between. I go over scoring mechanisms that allow us to classify a variant clinically. Lastly, I discuss a few interesting cases of variants and their classifications.
To receive a complimentary copy, please visit the following link: https://www.goldenhelix.com/resources/ebooks/clinical-variant-analysis.html. I hope you and your loved ones are in good health.